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Common surgeries in the pets are

  • Sterilization (spaying / neutering)
  • Dental extraction
  • Intestinal obstruction from a foreign body
  • Fracture repairs
  • Bladder stones/ urethral blockages

Sterilization (spaying / neutering)

Sterilization is the surgical removal of reproductive organs of your cat/dog. A surgical method is used. Spaying and neutering are regular and affordable surgeries. An unaltered female dog and her offspring can produce nearly 67000 puppies in just about 6 years and a female cat and her offspring can produce 3,70000 kittens in just about 7 years. Your pet has a home but their lineage to find an adopter is very difficult. Nor can you take care of them all. So to sterilize your pet is gaining high attention.


  • Spaying makes the female stress-free.
  • It eliminates the risk of uterine cancer.
  • It also reduces the risk of mammary cancer.
  • Neutering decreases aggressive behavioral characteristics like roaming, marking and others.

After sterilization

Surgical sterilization includes risk of anesthesia. Post-surgery care and supervision of the pet is required.

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Spaying Cat, Neutering Cat